If your website is one that stores sensitive personal information such as personal data or passwords then please bear in mind that soon, websites without HTTPS will be marked by Google as “non-secure”.

We bet that got your attention – and rightly so because this is something that concerns a whole lot of people. Simply put, EVERY website that collects and saves info like passwords, credit card information as well as other personal information will be required by Google to get HTTPS as well as an SSL certificate.

HTTP and HTTPS are two similar and yet different concepts. HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol while HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. The only visible difference between these two is obviously the S but that small detail makes all the difference in the world when it comes to ensure your website’s security.

Simply put, HTTP is unsecure and unsafe while HTTPS is safe, secure and is the least that you could do for your customers or for people using your website.

Google is essentially discarding unsafe HTTP websites by penalizing them – and it’s easy to understand why. People expect and deserve a secure online transaction and by “pushing” HTTPS on web owners, Google is slowly helping people be a little bit safer on the internet.

Key Takeaway

Soon Google will begin marking non HTTPS websites that require personal information such as passwords and credit card forms as “not secure”. This is only the first step in Google’s crusade to protect people’s private information on the internet.

Eventually, Google will also alert the user of an unsafe website via a red warning triangle to let the user know at a glance that the website that they are on is unsecure and any and all private information should be kept private.

We strongly recommend switching over to HTTPS as soon as possible.  Not only does it make your website and your users’ sensitive information safe, it also allows your website to load a little bit faster.

Source: Seo-Hacker