Influencer marketing has been around for decades but it was only recently that we started to see why it's such an integral part of content marketing. Traditional advertising and pretty much any form of marketing coming from a brand isn't relatable enough anymore. REAL people are relatable. Whether you're running an ambassador program, sponsored post, Instagram takeover, large-scale blogger campaign etc., influencer marketing is THE new king of content.

Why Influencer Marketing is the new king of content?

The benefits are endless: increasing sales, exposure, credibility, customer loyalty, user-generated content, growth on social channels, content virality, page rank etc. Customers turn to influencers because their advice and recommendations are genuine AND the information is presented to them at the right time. 

Here’s everything you need to know about why influencer marketing matters, along with some tips for how to craft your own influencer marketing campaign.

Infographic created by: MainPath